Saturday, January 5, 2008

Bonne année!!!

Happy new year everyone! Thanks for the all the hugs and talks and cheering we got from all of you we met in Sweden! You have no idea how much it meant for me and how much in need of that I was!!! Thank you, you all made my (our) Christmas and kicked me in a good mood for this brand new happy year!!!

Me and M throw a new years eve party here at home, some nice friends and a lot of food and Swedish snaps later I discovered a funny and nice thing around 12 at night. We had a snaps each in our hands, raising it for the big Salut, and they asked me what my new years resolution would be... Resolution??!! Man, how good isn´t that? In Sweden we always make promises - just to break them a few weeks later. But a resolution, thats something extra! I loved it. And here it is: My resolution for 2008 is to let go of the old so new can come in!

Happy resolution guys!


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