Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I found this very inspiring Swedish independent documentary filmmaker, well, she's been in Montreal for 15 years now, but anyway. So, she just won a film competition on social subject documentaries in Montreal and I wrote her a mail to just, well, I guess I was hoping for just a friendly contact, just to start somewhere. And boy, did I get friendly answer alright! She instantly invited me over and we had a nice chat and she for some reason just evoke that ROOOOAAAARGH inside of me that I've been hiding for so long out of bad self esteem (I guess), a scream that is shouting out loud inside of me:

So, I say, let's do it!


Saturday, April 19, 2008


I've discovered something that's makes a huge differens between living in Montreal and Stockholm: Montreal is somewhat timeless! In Stockholm, everywhere you go you will always find a clock ticking on a wall somewhere, right. Even the subway are divided into minutes, announcements coming out of delays by minutes and when is the next train to arrive, even buses have timeschedules by minutes announced on digital screens. But here subways are coming and going within 10 minutes interval, and you kinda newer know when. There's an exception from this at the biggest down town metro station and 2 more close to it, where BIG screens shows some kind of metro TV with commercials and some news and announcements of events (in silence) - and the time and next arrival of the train, but on all the other stations, people just walk down to the platform and wait knowing you won't have to wait more than 10 minutes, sometimes less than 1 minute. I love this! And usually there is no clock indicating time ANYWHERE to be found whenever you really need one! For the first time in my life I found myself having an actual need for my arm-watch, just as soon as I manage to remember to buy a new battery. Why I haven't done that yet? I still haven't seen ONE store selling clocks!

Future is near

Sorry, this might sound a bit rude, but that's not what I'm trying to say here, it's actually good news.
I went to see some newly produced films from filmmakers in Quebec. I was highly dissapointed. Sorry to say this, but it kinda gives me good hope about my own abilities... Take a really not happening student documentary film, too long (1 hour), add not happening camera and strange editing that never takes the story anywhere it wants to go - and then excellent mixed sound! - and you start wondering what's going on here? But after the credits rolled by you realize - it's been professionally funded by all kinds of Canadian fonds and film fonds - and therefor this so-so production can afford a professional sound mixing. Halleluja! This country are blessed with film fond money - and it doesn't seem hard to get it. Yeeeha!


Trying to make our little kitten friendly with the BIG male cat of the B&B house... It's not going too well... (The kitten has many claws)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm an legal alien!

YES! Today we crossed the border to USA, swinged around the pole (fully dressed!) and entered into Canada again, got my final stamps and signatures in my documents for immigration - and Whips! I'M AN LEGAL ALIEN! So, now I have my immigration done and are now living in Canada as an permanent resident. Tomorrow I'm handing in my application for the Canadian social number, medical insurance and then a French course full time payed by the government for us immigrants. So, after 3 months of full time French, I believe I will be a master of the language, neh?!
Tomorrow we "move" to our new residency for a month - the Bed & Breakfast!
Miss you all!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

D'oh! Var ä bruuudarna..?

Jag citerar ur DN:

"Simpsons portas i Venezuela
Den satiriska teveserien "Simpsons" fortsätter att skapa kontrovers i Sydamerika.
För ett par år sedan planerade Rio de Janeiros turistbyrå att stämma Simpsons-skaparna efter familjens kaotiska Rio-resa.
Nu kastas den dysfunktionella amerikanska kärnfamiljen ut från venezuelansk morgonteve i Caracaskanalen Televen. Venezuelas tevemyndighet menar att Simpson är ett dåligt föredöme för unga och sprider "budskap som går emot all uppfostran av pojkar, flickor och tonåringar".
Vilket program som ersätter "Simpsons"?
"Baywatch", såklart.

Living spacious

We're doing a spring move - for 1 month only! Happen to meet this sparkling woman who after meeting me only once asked if maybe we would like to baby-sit her big house and cat - AND Bed & Breakfast! She's going on a trip for a month so we are from now on Bed & Breakfast "owners" right in the down town of Montreal! Hihi! Never thought that would happen.

So, need a place to stay?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Beer is fantastic

Yep, I told you so! In Montreal they have amazing beer culture, with their own micro breweries. My favourite place right now is Dieu du Ciel, that makes my newest favourite beer: Black Pepper Beer!
Check out their beer menu, quite impressive neh::

Mitaine - je t'aime

I know I know.. This cat-name will sound strange in Swedish, but it is a French speaking cat, so we just had to give her a French name. And it happened to be the first thing we called her when she first moved in, that got stuvked into our minds, so here it is:

MITAINE - which means Tumvante in Swedish. Why? Because she has six feet! yes, she's a bit strange, with like eight claws on each front foot. So, it really looks like she has Mitaine's on.

Je parle un peu français

Finally! My French are going the right way!!! The other day I had my very first longer talk compleatly in French with another person than my own ego. Yes! It was actually one of the other immigrant french students, but she speaks very good French, way over me, since she's been here for 2 years now. But she speaks kinda easy light French, and not the crazy quebecois dialect they have here. And yep! I got it all! And I answered to in French, even though I speak bad turc-french, but hey, I'm just sooooo happy it finally starts!
Je me souviens!