Monday, October 27, 2008

Unpaid filmjob = happy PluPlu!!

Got a un-paid research job within the documentary film industry here! Tjoho!!! With some luck, the well known filmmaker will like me enough to actually engage me in the filming-part as well, but that will take place about 2010, IF she will get the money. Can't tell much more until the project is official. But I'm just so super happy to be able to work for such an well established and amazing filmmaker in Quebec. It's flattering - and exciting!


Unknown said...

Awesome! Det ser ut som din karriär lyfter där borta. Garanterat en biljett till röda mattor och fyllefoton i skvallerpressen.

Madame PluPlu said...

Enveten vinner, sägs det ju...
Å eftersom jag tränat på fyllefoton sen jag var 15, så ska jag det nog gå bra detta. :)

åsa said...

DU är banne mig den envisaste och briljantaste!