Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Friday, November 14, 2008
Documentary film festival in town!
By now I'm able to follow a film in French too, as long as it's subtitled in French that is. And since it's an international festival with many languages involved, it often is the case.
So, today I saw an excellent documentary named Water, People and Yellow Cans. It was a frightening experience to see the global problems connected with the theme of water. Sometimes it's just way to much, sometimes it's all gone and sometimes it's a struggle just to get water to drink every day. I really liked the film, and feel that the environmental issues has in documentaries a great medium. If you get the chance, watch this film. It gives a visual, a voice and a face to the water related catastrophes our world are facing, new and old.
Tomorrow I'm watching this one: Une morte insencée. I have high hopes for that one.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Immigrant life
So, today I went there with both my passport and my official Canadian resident card (which shows I have an status as permanent resident). The lady looked at it, very suspicious, then she said she had to verify with someone in the bank, which she did. Then she wanted to verify with immigration of Canada that the check they had sent me was REALLY sent by them. Which she did. Then she spoke to a supervisor about it. Then she came back and looked at me really suspicious and asked if I had any immigration documents to show, which I didn't have. Finally she asked - Where do you come from? Sweden, I squeezed out, trembling by now, feeling like a thief who belonged on Guantanamo! - Aha! Sweden!! Why didn't you just say so, here's your money!
Fuck, we Do have a good reputation here. Next time I'm gonna wrap myself in a Swedish flag with a Viking-helmet with the two horns and all, maybe THAT will satisfy these hopelessly crèpes-eating, plu-plu-pluuuu-speaking, overly suspicious Montrealers. My God! Should I sing the anthem too??
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A big gap is imploding!

I woke up with a smile today... Obama, Obama, OBAMA!
He actually, really, f***ing made it to the White House! Man! As a Swede, do I really, fully realize how smashing, crazy, unbelievably unlikely this election was? I mean, in Sweden, we already have a socio-political and left leaning context to place our prime minister in, but in the USA? Yes, they do have a social agenda, of course, but the American Dream are very excluding for the majority. And from my reading, listening and discussing all the official politics of Obama for months now, and to hear his vibrant election speech yesterday night, there is no doubt that this new president will come with a socio, leftist change big time! I'm so happy for the people of the states - and the rest of the world! - that this overwhelming election of Obama could take place. Me and M was glued to the computer and TV yesterday evening, and when Obama finally entered the stage as an elected president, we were both smiling and listening intensely, it felt somewhat surreal. It's true, they did it! The white population finally showed something graceful about themselves here, that despite the history of racism, they now got together with there fellow Americans and actually elected the first black president of USA, which is not any tiny country among the small ones in the world.
I heard a black guy say, that this means crazy much for the young black community, just the small but oh so important words in the USA to a child - "You too can become the president one day!", now the black community can actually say this to their children and feel that it's possible for real. When I heard this, I started to realize what a gap there is that are now starting to implode. It's mind blowing - and for real!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
For all of you who seeks facts, check it out! Very interesting is the facts about the Bush governments secrecy policies and politics around homeland security after September 11.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Word of the day:
"I guess Obama was named after Saddam Hussein."
- John A. Mitten, 64, the inventor of the new McCain-Palin rally-chant: “John McCain! Not Hussein!”, talks with reporter about Obama's middle name, at rally in Florida yesterday.
Friday, October 31, 2008
The Onion - sick humor I love
Je parle française!!!!
Whoooohooo! Finallèment, je peux parler française!
Maintenant, j'ai un semaine de vacances, et mercredi le 4 novembre, le troisième cours de français commence! The final 3 months! Puh!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Trust me - I'm a maverick
I actually don't know what I will do when this election is over? I've spent sooooo much time engaging myself in the stories around it, that I will probably have some kind of project-coma afterwards. Did I mention that I even dreamed about Obama? Yes, it was a shower scene in it, but it's not what you think. Honestly! No, I mean it, it's true, Joe the Plumber wasn't there, NO, I mean, Obama the President was, I mean...
It's true.
You have to believe me.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sarah the Lapdancer

Haha! The 25+ something potential voter answered on the journalists question about what he thought about Govenor Sarah Parlin;
She's just talking about Joe the Plumber and Average Joe all the time. I don't want an Average Me as the president, I want someone smarter than me!
Doesn't that just sum up the whole rhetoric of the Republicans so nicely?!
(Photo: Charlie Riedel)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Unpaid filmjob = happy PluPlu!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Whatch this!
Well, here they are in a new shape, and it's not a commercial for Budweiser anymore..
Check it out here.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Fantastic day again of filmmaking
So I "worked" as Magnus and Martins assistant for the day, seeing them in close-up work on the floor so naturally demanding their space between national TV-stations big cameras and photographers, and then later at a museum filming another session with prominent people. I mean, maybe not the biggest shooting, but wow, I'm just soooo thrilled and happy to have the opportunity to be with, learn from these guys and hopefully one day do it myself with more knowledge and confidence in my luggage. It's so inspiring and joyful to see somebody do the job they love! And I think they liked me, so who knows, maybe I will be asked to continue a bit more with them. I will at least join Magnus for a 2 days intensive course of documentary film making in late November, it's really expensive, but worth every penny, I hope!
Whoooohoooooooo!!! Happy happy PuPlu!!
"I am an independent who has voted Republican. I’m a pollster’s dream. I’m 60-year-old white woman in Tampa, Florida. I was a HIllary supporter.
I am going wtih Obama. I had decided this before the debate, but his performance tonight solidified my choice. I think that he demonstrated that he’s thoughtful, and can see shades of gray in the issues. These are the qualties that I want in a president.
McCain was kind of angry, that like Palin, he relied on talking points. He seemed hopelessly out of touch on the issues. I could not believe the school vouchers answer. His attacks felt sort of desperate and weirdly rehearsed; they often felt out-of-context.
The Joe the Plumber thing was comical. My younger brother is a plumber and he makes more than $100k a year. If the guy was going to make more money by buying the business, then he should pay more in taxes. I don’t think McCain’s argument here made much sense.
I own a small business. Yes, if you file as a sole proprietor, you could have income of more than $250k. But I also get a lot of tax breaks for my business — and would have more under Obama’s plan.
What McCain is glossing over is that if your business income gets that high, it frequently makes more sense for you to pay yourself a salary and file a separate return as a business/corporation. That’s why so few would be affected under Obama’s plan. (It’s something like 3%)
McCain looked angry, made snarky comments and said things that I know are simply not true. Obama needed to show that he’s steady and trustworthy, and I think that he did that.
What really struck me, particularly after sleeping on it, was that Obama would explain a point, often correcting McCain, who would then go on and make the same false statement again. I found this disturbing. My dad did that when he had early Alzheimer’s.
I thought that Obama’s comments on abortion were well thought out, too. I haven’t seen this issue discussed in a national forum.
I agree that Obama missed some opportunities. But I can understand why he played it a bit safe.
I don’t think that Obama needed to harsh on Palin. Watching McCain defend her was enough. Biden - great foreign policy experience. McCain said Palin was “refreshing” twice. What is she, an air freshener? Polls show that 35% of Americans think she is qualified to be president, and that number keeps going down.
Three weeks ago, I was on the fence. McCain’s “suspension” of his campaign woke me up. His negative campaign truly put me off. His people have called me saying he’s a Muslim and a terrorist. I’m not stupid, for crying out loud!
After the debate, I can’t wait to cast my vote for Obama!!-Florida voter"
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Fantastic day of filmmaking!
So, of we went, and I spent a whole afternoon in this spectacular mixing studio (which was big as a full cinema theater with the movie screen as the monitor!), watching and learning by the big guys. What a privilege! It was so inspiring to get to see how the high professionals work, and boy, it's very different from anything I have experienced so far in my own non-funded work. It goes fast, smooth, and nothing is too complicated when you have all these experts doing the job. For the sound mix, there was one sound designer who has been designing the films whole sound scape, one head sound technician and his sound assistant, the two directors (Magnus Isacsson and Martin Duckworth) - and me.
We later followed up the evening by attending an opening of a documentary film at Cinéma du Parc - Mirages d'un Eldorado by Montreal-based Martin Frigon.
This day has definitely been a turning point - or a more pin-pointed start, of my future. I'm overly happy! Thank you Magnus, for giving me this day!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Hockey-mom Palin

Oh my dear... It was time for the fight between the politic dinosaur and the Alaskan hockey-mom; Biden vs Palin. She made it through, squeezed herself painfully with a rapid tongue of jidderish and had the voice of a correcting mama. She did the same thing as her fellow friend McNoBrain, trying to persuasive the voters in a very, very patronizing way. It's funny, but to me Palin and her lapdog McCain come across as smearing aliens in their way of speaking and sometimes just as barking dogs. They have non what so ever credibility in my eyes, and it stuns me that anyone at all are even willing to be connected to their believes.
Palin hade it on her agenda tonight to not answer any question she could possibly avoid, with the result that not much clever came across her lipstick. She seemed well instructed and cleverly filled up with facts and dirty words on the Obama/Biden part, but no real statements. She did say though that she doesn't support gay marriage (nor does Biden, but he want's equal citizen rights within laws and society), she want more domestic drilling of oil, she wants to implement the now famous "surge-technique" that went on in Iraq to Afghanistan, even though the States own military general in Afghanistan have stated that that wouldn't work there, she also supports the idea of selling out the health care system to the private market, leaving the people unprotected to the market prices... bla, bla, etc.
Biden on the other hand, he's experienced enough to see when a kiddo has entered the game. He didn't fall for her tactic of trying to anger him and start pointing the finger against her. He kept himself cool, attacked McNoBrain hard, talked all about in favor of Obama and came across as intelligent, experienced and with an actual agenda of wanting good in this world. He was sharp and harsh in his critique of McCain, but I think he struggles a lot with his accessibility for the younger voters and the not so well introduced voters, in his way of rambling numbers and figures and long talks of complex politics. But the content that came through is that he knows what he's talking about and that he's trustworthy with a strong politic, plenty of great changes on the agenda and a mind set on peace. Which I guess is what the people wants to know.
Well, I say if you haven't already, watch it yourself, it's quite a show.
Friday, September 26, 2008
McNoBrain makes me giggle
McCain made me giggle over and over, but also scared me with his nonsense. He spoke with this low, conspiracy voice, like "Liiiisten to meeeee, my dear old (read rich republican) friends. I'm the ONE to trust in all this. Trrruuuuust meeee..." Urk!
He repeatedly used Obamas words in his own answers, but it all came out fake. He tried to tell lies about Obama, but it kinda back-fired. And he had a sloppy and disgusting ending; on Obamas remarks that he wouldn't let the war veterans end up without economic help when they return sick and devastated, like many have been experiencing during Bush-time, McCain looked into the camera and said in a sad voice that HE LOVES the American veterans and they know he will take care of them. Bläääsch! Sooooo smootshy disgusting.
Anyway, happy to say that Obama did good, maybe not perfect, but really, really good, and McNoBrain wasn't much to have at all. He mostly looked like an ashamed and lost old dude. Now it's gonna be fun to see Palin facing Biden in their debate soon. But he better watch out, she's really a vicious character.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
It's new, it's sassy, it's hot - iiiiiit's Madame PluPlu v.2.0!!!!!
I'm back after a, hmm.. let's just call it an emotional vacation, or "djävla sommarlov", and suddenly it hit me, my dear Madame PluPlu with ALL it's enormous amount of steady readers (hello you few and blipping aliens in my space), you are all missed soooo much by me! So, here I am, in a new and never seen before hot comeback, that will forever clear your dubious mind on the topic of this side of the Atlantic called l'Amérique du nord!
It's new, it's sassy, it's hot - iiiiiit's Madame PluPlu v.2.0!!!!!
Stay tuned!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Happy immigrant!
So, nowadays I'm studying French full time, unfortunately in afternoons/evenings, from 1 - 8 every day. We are a super nice bunch of beginners, trying to make this language into our won. But man, it's hard! Since I did take some classes before I actually feel like I'm quite good in the context of the beginners course, but it's still very, very hard. But I enjoy sooo much being there, learning and meeting all these amazing new people. At the moment I'm hanging out mostly with some Iranians, a bunch of happy Chinese, an energetic Indian, a cute Bangladeshi girl and some Russians, Cara bean, Colombians and Argentinians. It's quite a wird group together, but ojoj, we have so much fun! I love being an immigrant, well, at least for the sake of meeting others in the same situation. It's such an weird and outcast way of being, and you learn sooooo much about everything from life itself, longing, beeing outside, emotions, loneliness and belonging. It makes you humble in a way I never experienced before. Maybe I can say this because I'm an very lucky immigrant, guess things would have been different if I had to leave my own country due to other facts than pure love. I know. But still.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Viva la Espanol!
Friday, May 9, 2008
streets of Montreal
arty farty
"... The loss of control that arises from this immersive environment assures a sensorial, emotionally satisfying and
truly alarming experience. This is a great opportunity for you to put your senses to the test… and experience something beyond understanding."
Yes, they were right - it was beyond my understanding - and the fire alarm actually did went of
Thursday, May 8, 2008
mmmm... camera...

Today me and my French-class friend A went to look at some video cameras for me... Mmmmmm... I felt like a kid in a candy store.
This is the favorite so far. Canon XH A1
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
METAL head bang
And a funny thing happened. Next to me in the crowed I spotted a known face, and yes, there she was, in all her glory: the Swedish Robyn! Hey hopp! I'm all surrounded by Sweden. :)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
So, I say, let's do it!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Future is near
I went to see some newly produced films from filmmakers in Quebec. I was highly dissapointed. Sorry to say this, but it kinda gives me good hope about my own abilities... Take a really not happening student documentary film, too long (1 hour), add not happening camera and strange editing that never takes the story anywhere it wants to go - and then excellent mixed sound! - and you start wondering what's going on here? But after the credits rolled by you realize - it's been professionally funded by all kinds of Canadian fonds and film fonds - and therefor this so-so production can afford a professional sound mixing. Halleluja! This country are blessed with film fond money - and it doesn't seem hard to get it. Yeeeha!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I'm an legal alien!
Tomorrow we "move" to our new residency for a month - the Bed & Breakfast!
Miss you all!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
D'oh! Var ä bruuudarna..?
"Simpsons portas i Venezuela
Nu kastas den dysfunktionella amerikanska kärnfamiljen ut från venezuelansk morgonteve i Caracaskanalen Televen. Venezuelas tevemyndighet menar att Simpson är ett dåligt föredöme för unga och sprider "budskap som går emot all uppfostran av pojkar, flickor och tonåringar".
Vilket program som ersätter "Simpsons"?
"Baywatch", såklart. "
Living spacious
So, need a place to stay?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Beer is fantastic
Check out their beer menu, quite impressive neh::
Mitaine - je t'aime

I know I know.. This cat-name will sound strange in Swedish, but it is a French speaking cat, so we just had to give her a French name. And it happened to be the first thing we called her when she first moved in, that got stuvked into our minds, so here it is:
MITAINE - which means Tumvante in Swedish. Why? Because she has six feet! yes, she's a bit strange, with like eight claws on each front foot. So, it really looks like she has Mitaine's on.
Je parle un peu français
Finally! My French are going the right way!!! The other day I had my very first longer talk compleatly in French with another person than my own ego. Yes! It was actually one of the other immigrant french students, but she speaks very good French, way over me, since she's been here for 2 years now. But she speaks kinda easy light French, and not the crazy quebecois dialect they have here. And yep! I got it all! And I answered to in French, even though I speak bad turc-french, but hey, I'm just sooooo happy it finally starts!
Je me souviens!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
St. Paddy's Day!!!

St. Patrick's Day! Tjoho! This is the crazy celebrated Irish day, when everything goes in green, I even saw a poor dog who had his fur colored green, and everyone are covered in green costumes and crazy hats and bracelets and anything green they could find in the dollarama shop.
This is the only day when Montrealers are aloud to drink alcohol out on the streets in the open, so I believe this might have added to the high spirit. Everybody had a brown paper bag with a little something inside, including me of course. Stand up for your right - to paaaaaarrrrrrtyyyy!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
America behind bars?
Wow, what are they doing over there? Could it be that Americans are more criminal than other countries population, or is the system just more likely to sentence people to prison, even for minor offenses? Well, I choose to believe the later.
The article goes on:
"... Texas' prison population -- 171,790 -- is the nation's highest, according to the study. The study concluded that much of the growth in prison populations has to do with "a wave of policy choices that are sending more lawbreakers to prison and, through popular 'three-strikes' measures and other sentencing enhancements, keeping them there longer."
"... Men are about 10 times more likely to be incarcerated, but the female population is growing at a faster rate. The study also found that age limits jail time. One in every 53 people in their 20s is in prison, but above age 55 that falls to one in 837. Even so, between 1992 and 2001, the number of state and federal inmates aged 50 and older rose from 41,586 to 113,358, a jump of 173 percent.
The racial disparity is stark: While one in 30 men between the ages of 20 and 34 is behind bars, for black males in that same age group the figure is one in nine."
Yes, I'm amazed... This is crazy...
So happy I live in Canada, though, I haven't seen the figures here, yet...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Let me introduce...

Hi everyone,
I took a break from the blog, but now I'm back!
Let me present our new best friend - Theeeeeee ... *TAM-TAM-TA-TAAAM*
"No-Name" cat!!!
She came to live with us a week ago and we became best friends all three of us from the very fist moment. She's a loving purring-machine, full of energy and funfun! We are amazed. Didn't know how much I really missed having cat around, she really makes the home even more homey! Right now she's 4 months old, so bit too young to walk outside by her self, and there is amazing lot of snow too, so she would disappear, but as soon as spring is here she will be an outdoors cat for sure. She's already hunting down her toy mouse with precision and dedication.
So, she doesn't have a name yet, but it will come soon I think. Any suggestions?
Otherwise our life is good, M is working crazy and playing till I fear his fingers will fall of, he's good!, and I'm struggling with French and looking for jobs. So far I've applied for three really interesting ones I hope to get, but no news yet. I'll keep you posted.
Eastern is soon here, and then my best childhood friend C is coming, so I'm sooooo excited and happy about this.
Are you there? Let me know, fun to know if anyone is reading. Well, otherwise, at least I'm contributing to the information age.
Miss you all dearly!
Monday, February 25, 2008
super article!
happy times
I seem to be fading a bit in my updating of this blog, don't know if this indicates a good or a bad thing. I guess I have more things to do now than before that doesn't include a computer. Well, not that my life has taken such a drastic change, even though I now can officially stay in Canada and find a work, but I have a better feeling inside that came with these new possibilities. I'm happier, more out going and less likely to burst into tears for nothing. And that is an amazing change inside! And this makes me less motivated to spend my time in front of the computer and therefor less time spent on the blog. Sorry! I guess I'm happy! :)