Hi everyone,
I took a break from the blog, but now I'm back!
Let me present our new best friend - Theeeeeee ... *TAM-TAM-TA-TAAAM*
"No-Name" cat!!!
She came to live with us a week ago and we became best friends all three of us from the very fist moment. She's a loving purring-machine, full of energy and funfun! We are amazed. Didn't know how much I really missed having cat around, she really makes the home even more homey! Right now she's 4 months old, so bit too young to walk outside by her self, and there is amazing lot of snow too, so she would disappear, but as soon as spring is here she will be an outdoors cat for sure. She's already hunting down her toy mouse with precision and dedication.
So, she doesn't have a name yet, but it will come soon I think. Any suggestions?
Otherwise our life is good, M is working crazy and playing till I fear his fingers will fall of, he's good!, and I'm struggling with French and looking for jobs. So far I've applied for three really interesting ones I hope to get, but no news yet. I'll keep you posted.
Eastern is soon here, and then my best childhood friend C is coming, so I'm sooooo excited and happy about this.
Are you there? Let me know, fun to know if anyone is reading. Well, otherwise, at least I'm contributing to the information age.
Miss you all dearly!
Jag är här! Jag läser din blag! blagblagblag!
En katt! Vad fuskigt!!! Det är en av många saker som suger med att bo i lgh - katt är inte ett så bra alternativ. :-(((
Vilken fin också! Hon förtjänar ju helt klart ett speciellt namn.
Måste tänka lite!
Helloo, så nice att du läser min blog, men vem är du? Det står bara anonymous i kommentaren.. (såvida du inte vill fortsätta vara det, såklart.)
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