Oh my dear... It was time for the fight between the politic dinosaur and the Alaskan hockey-mom; Biden vs Palin. She made it through, squeezed herself painfully with a rapid tongue of jidderish and had the voice of a correcting mama. She did the same thing as her fellow friend McNoBrain, trying to persuasive the voters in a very, very patronizing way. It's funny, but to me Palin and her lapdog McCain come across as smearing aliens in their way of speaking and sometimes just as barking dogs. They have non what so ever credibility in my eyes, and it stuns me that anyone at all are even willing to be connected to their believes.
Palin hade it on her agenda tonight to not answer any question she could possibly avoid, with the result that not much clever came across her lipstick. She seemed well instructed and cleverly filled up with facts and dirty words on the Obama/Biden part, but no real statements. She did say though that she doesn't support gay marriage (nor does Biden, but he want's equal citizen rights within laws and society), she want more domestic drilling of oil, she wants to implement the now famous "surge-technique" that went on in Iraq to Afghanistan, even though the States own military general in Afghanistan have stated that that wouldn't work there, she also supports the idea of selling out the health care system to the private market, leaving the people unprotected to the market prices... bla, bla, etc.
Biden on the other hand, he's experienced enough to see when a kiddo has entered the game. He didn't fall for her tactic of trying to anger him and start pointing the finger against her. He kept himself cool, attacked McNoBrain hard, talked all about in favor of Obama and came across as intelligent, experienced and with an actual agenda of wanting good in this world. He was sharp and harsh in his critique of McCain, but I think he struggles a lot with his accessibility for the younger voters and the not so well introduced voters, in his way of rambling numbers and figures and long talks of complex politics. But the content that came through is that he knows what he's talking about and that he's trustworthy with a strong politic, plenty of great changes on the agenda and a mind set on peace. Which I guess is what the people wants to know.
Well, I say if you haven't already, watch it yourself, it's quite a show.
The problem is that America prefers an inexperienced Hockey mom rather than an old Washington fox that in their opinion don’t know the daily struggle of middle American middle class. Most voters in America as well in Sweden, by the way, are what you call not so well introduced. That’s Ubamas headache because a lot of people thinks he´s bookish and over intellectual. I also think much of the problem is that the leftist middle class that inhabitants the coasts tend to be patronising towards middle America and their more conservative beliefs and therefore they are more inclined to vote for the more conservative candidates. No one likes to be patronised. I think a lot of people think that McCain and Palin talks to the real Americans without “the intellectual bullshit” of the democrats.
I believe you've got a point there. though, I also believe Obama has got something very new and refreshing in this debate, that will make him a force to count in. I think he's seen as an outsider in politics, an (almost) everyday man, but yet smart and intellectual (e.g. trustworthy), he has concrete ideas for a new governing and are bold enough to scream it out. I think this comes in a perfect time of todays political disappointment, and that even some hard core republicans will vote for him, due to the fact that with him in power for a while, will give the republicans a much needed break to reform and strengthen their forces, in order to take over for the next mandate. I think this election is not so much about the people, as it is about the men in power. It's the super-mandates that will decide who wins, I believe.
Don't miss tonights debate Obama vs. McNoBrain.
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