I came along with Magnus Isacsson and Martin Duckworth for a shooting they made in Montreal. It was a celebration of the famous montrealian Norman Bethune, who is a medical hero in China and Spain, and very much a respected man in Canada, but dead since many years ago. He made blood transfusion possible during the Spanish war and in China too he worked against tuberculosis and with blood transfusion etc. A very much interesting man! So they had a sculpture of him restored and put back in place in the heart of Montreal, with people like the representative of China in Canada, the mayor of Montreal and other known people. And me, but I'm not so known, just yet that is :)
So I "worked" as Magnus and Martins assistant for the day, seeing them in close-up work on the floor so naturally demanding their space between national TV-stations big cameras and photographers, and then later at a museum filming another session with prominent people. I mean, maybe not the biggest shooting, but wow, I'm just soooo thrilled and happy to have the opportunity to be with, learn from these guys and hopefully one day do it myself with more knowledge and confidence in my luggage. It's so inspiring and joyful to see somebody do the job they love! And I think they liked me, so who knows, maybe I will be asked to continue a bit more with them. I will at least join Magnus for a 2 days intensive course of documentary film making in late November, it's really expensive, but worth every penny, I hope!
Whoooohoooooooo!!! Happy happy PuPlu!!
The Blog Moves On
7 years ago
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