St. Patrick's Day! Tjoho! This is the crazy celebrated Irish day, when everything goes in green, I even saw a poor dog who had his fur colored green, and everyone are covered in green costumes and crazy hats and bracelets and anything green they could find in the dollarama shop.
We celebrated this strange event during a Sunday around lunch , first watching the HUGE parade (apparently the St-Patricks Day-celebration in Montreal is the biggest outside Ireland itself!) - then drinking beer like crazy and the mood in the Irish bar was very, very high - and absolutely PACKED of people, we could hardly move. I felt like I was back in the student pub in Norrköping at some sort of an "pubtömmning". I mean - CRAAAAZZZYYYYYY!!! Everybody sang and screamed and danced and drank like maniacs.
This is the only day when Montrealers are aloud to drink alcohol out on the streets in the open, so I believe this might have added to the high spirit. Everybody had a brown paper bag with a little something inside, including me of course. Stand up for your right - to paaaaaarrrrrrtyyyy!!
This is the only day when Montrealers are aloud to drink alcohol out on the streets in the open, so I believe this might have added to the high spirit. Everybody had a brown paper bag with a little something inside, including me of course. Stand up for your right - to paaaaaarrrrrrtyyyy!!
Tjohoo! Ikväll blev det klart att jag och kompisarna åker till NY - och sedan kommer jag och hälsar på hos er! :)
St Paddy's day gick betydlgit lugnare till här kan jag lova. Några glada irländare hade iaf klätt upp sig i grönt för dagen. :)
Funkar det om jag hälsar på 30 juli till 6 augusti? Behöver veta snarast så att vi kan boka flyg.
Tjoho Erik! Komkomkom! Let's explore Montreal!
Vilken fin katt! Hon ser ut som en panter, ni kanske kan döpa henne efter en av pantertanterna? Låter som skönaste festdagen! Förresten apropå ditt inlägg om spindlarna i Sagan om Ringen, finns de som har det värre, min kollega har spindelfobi o jobbar på naturhistoriska... snacka om kbt-terapi. Ser fram mot nästa inlägg, lycka till med jobben!! kramelikram
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