No, I can't live without you - you amazing Swedish people. Realized that it is a nice thing to keep the Swedish contacts in a new country, who knows, maybe they are sitting on an amazing job opportunity for me some day? So, I found the Swedish Club in Montreal on the net and hey!, they are having a pub evening in two days! Hellooo Sweeeeden! Here I come. Well, I must say that the homepage leaves me wondering about who they actually are, just enough to feel interested in finding out. And if not anything, a good beer is always a good beer, neh.
How ever I do, I will never get far away from Swedish connections as long as I'm learning French, that's for sure. Man, who would have known there was sooo much Swedish words stolen by the francophones? We should take it to court fellows! They took our dear word "trottoar", and what about our important word "dusch" and the deeply beloved "cement". The only comfort in this tragedy is that they can't spell. (trottoir, douche, ciment). Here is a word we should steal from them: limitation (hastighetsbegränsning) But wait, isn't that already stolen from English? Hmm.. gotta look into this.
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