Wohooo, my blog is filling up slowly of self reflexive, super-selfish (hmm.. how do you spell that word without making it look like a fish?), self concentrated, only-about-me-me-me-text!!! Yeaha! I told you I would take some time of concentrating on myself, and hey, that´s what I´m doing, neh. But today is the day of change! I came to the conclusion (with a little help of my friend :) that I have to start looking around myself, otherwise my inspiration will never come back fully. And how am I then gonna start writing those documentary film scripts I soooo much wanna do?
So, news is the best way to start, so today I´m listening to CBC - Canada Broadcasting Corp.! Tjo! It´s funfunfun! Wanna join me?
Wow. Har de RADIO i Kanada?
jojo, men det är dåligt med mobiltelefoner måste jag säga... En kille här upptäckte SMS i förra veckan, WOW sa han överraskat, vilken skön ny grej! (Jag log moderligt inombords...)
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