Yesterday I went to my first hockey game - ever! It was quite something! I have no idea what the scores were at the end (5-3 to the Chiefs?), but HELLOOOOOO!!! What were they doing fighting all the time?? I mean, there were suddenly a fight and BOOOM! - loud music crashing down on us like a heavy metal band on disco-speed and the two muscle hunks on skates started circling around, and around, and... gääääsp... aaaaroooouuuunnnnd, sometimes a little bonk! on the nose and no blood, no cool black eye - no nothing. Disapointing! It were some sort of a dance I believe. And they didn't stop it, it was kinda aloud in some weird way, never seen anything like it, thought sport was all about health and good old spirit in tight clothes with bad smell, guess I was wrong. And during this "fight" event, that took place more than often, the drunk part of the hunk-wanna-be audience were doing their hunk-hunk-hunk-sound, cheering for the poor dancing gentlemen on the ice and the a bit left out players in each team had to stand back on the side and wait it all out, looking a bit bored. Then they were done, after about a minute or two, and the game could go on. Strange, I must say. Learned later that these guys fighting are actually meant to be fighting for real. They kinda have a guy in the opposite team to go for with a fist if the guy are playing too too good or beeing too hard on their guys or something. Just to put some tension into it, like skating fast, pushing each other into the walls so it sings and shooting the rock hard piece of plastic as hard as possible were it hurts the most, like this all wouldn't be enough - let's fight! : )
And of course there were also all-dressed-up-for-pleasure 18 year old girlie-girls doing their sexy bon-bon dances to BAD music (Ace of Base came twice) in white mini-skirts (with white G-strings under, I saw them, more than once!) - YES, welcome to the American continent! Felt like being in a highschool movie - but live. One old and frogstyle-looking dude were checking out the poor, willingly dancing grandchild-aged girl next to him with a look that leaves out absolutely nothing. Brrrr.... I felt colder than the ice just by beeing in the same room as him.
Well, so, don't get me wrong now, I enjoyed the game a lot, the players were good and the tempo high, but I must say that I had my best entertainment on the side with my new found friend chatting with me. Thanks K for bringing me there, it was quite a ride! :)
The Blog Moves On
7 years ago
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