Swedish and French are not at all far away from eachother when it comes to words. They laugh a lot here when I say the very Swedish word "långkalsong", and it shows out to be old, old French. Weird. So is also Swedish "byrå, fåtölj, betong, trottoar", etc... I always claim it's Swedish words that the French has adopted, nobody seems to belive me. And my grandparents always said "jordäpplen" for potatoes, guess that this comes as an direct translation from French pommes de terre. Well, in Värmland they said "jholapplä", but thats a language of its own. :)
French Canadians complain about the frenchmen in France, there is apparently an old and still strong discussion about what is the real French language. In France they seem to have mixed up a lot of French with English words now, and in Quebec they laugh about this. In France they even subtitle the French Canadian movies with French. Now, that's something! But French in Canada is quite heavy on its dialect, suits me fine, coming from deep forests of Värmland!
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