Thursday, November 29, 2007

a coffee avec moi?

Coffee shops - my new livingroom/workspace/dreamingspace! With a laptop and a cup of good (sometimes horrible) coffee, I can stay in these spaces for hours and hours. It might sound like heaven for many of you, but frankly, I use it not only for working (like studying French and trying and oh so hard trying to come up with something project-look-alike to do), but mostly to feel less isolated and pretend that I'm actually are DOING something! Yes, it's isolating to move to a new country, in many ways. but, I'm getting there, slowly, but for sure. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger; - I'll be back!
Yeeeeeeh!!! :)


Calle Hedrén said...

I think you should start writing the big immigration novel of out time!
Btw what kind of coffee do you drink. I’ve started having espresso with a lot of sugar (the Italian way): it’s part of my campaign to look like a writer. I also got a new hair cut that’s more mature (but not old man-ish, just more man) and trying to grow a beard that don’t make me look like a Bulgarian highway man (an impossible task). No offence to all the Bulgarian highway men out there that reads this, but I just look crazy in it.
Tell me about your favourite hang out, which are the colour of the walls, what kind of chairs do they got, pasties? Give me a scent of Montreal…

Malin Ekstrand said...

Sitting at your old job (´the museum of science and technology) it surprises me how slow time sometimes moves.... But i keep on being occupied with stuff... things to think about, and ideas to plan. Im seriously wondering when the electronic notepad i can keep in my brain all the time will be introduced. In that way i can sneak away my stories about the things i see every day.... Jessica, ill write you a proper email, and send, but i enjoy your blogg! love Malin

Calle Hedrén said...

Then they’ll introduce those notepads, give me a call, I really need one of them. I have fantasised about them since I were like five. Imagine being able to write down all you ideas, plans and thoughts to look at the later. That’s what I call information technology!

Anonymous said...

Hellooooo Charlie and Malin!!!

Didn't know you two read my blog!!! Happy happy joy joy!!! :D

Well, I'll give you both a proper e-mail within the next day, or maybe even tonight. But to tease; Charlie, Montreal is a good mix of kitchy Italian style, huge, enormous, brown/grey/beige-office bildings with empty mirroring windows a la USA-style, flat roofs on most buildings like the rest of America, a LOT of Christmas lightening and figures in the gardens and of course everything in twinkling lights in all kinds of different colors. Coffee shops are either deadly boring old style, kinda a place for drinking your coffe and leave, no relaxation here, or cozy nicer places like in Sweden and some more arty hip style. All kinds of coffee and goodies and lunches, you know the place. I'll tell you more in the mail.
Malin; don't sufficate at Tekniska! If you feel like fun there, say hello to my friends "pedagogerna", who you probably already met. I'll write you, thanks for the mail!
Love /pluplu